Stormtactics for Sailing Yachts
- Details
- Hauptkategorie: Sturm
- Kategorie: Stormtactics for Sailing Yachts
"Stormtactics..." is a translation of "Sturmtaktik für Yachten ".
Written by me originally in German I translated this essay into English. Please excuse the linguistic errors.
I hope the meaning is comprehensible and the informations may offset my restricted English.
I Basics
II Design Characertistics for Heavy Weather
III Stormtactics
IV Freak Waves
V Auxiliary Means
VI Don-Jordan - Series- Drogue (JSD)
VII Stormtactics - Résumé
VIII Injuries
IX My Roadmap
The German sailing literature does not deal with storm tactics for the different types of sailing yachts.
I try to identify and systemize what is fundamental, including English literature.
In doing so I shall restrict myself to monohulls.
- Which type of yacht?
- Which crew?
I personally always have been sailing undermanned.
Constantly I asked myself: What should I do, if the situation gets worse ?
Thus what could be done, if the wind increases?
The best storm tactic is … not to get into severe seas !
By …
- avoiding stormy seasons,
The "Pilot Charts" provide information about the wind directional distribution for each month
and about the storm frequency. Call up “Marine Safety Information” (, followed up by:
Publications – Atlas of Pilot Charts - … e. g. North Atlantic.
"Ocean Passages for the World", edited by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.
- not traversing dangerous seas under certain weather conditions,
Golf du Lyon and Mare Sardegna (Mistral), Biskaya (onshore gales),
Velebit–Chanel (Bora) …
- avoiding regions with rising seabed in onshore storms …
Skagerrak, Fastnet, some entrances of Norwegian Fjords etc.
- …and shallow waters under storm conditions,
e. g. banks in the North Sea, shoals …
- staying away from dangerous local spots under storm against tide conditions
e. g. inlets, estuaries of rivers, races, overfalls …
- steering clear of ports, which cannot be entered in all conditions.
"Reeds Nautical Almanac" ( provides information about harbors
between Lerwick (Shetlands) and Gibraltar.
A deterrent example: ("Sailing yacht accident")
- avoiding neither to sail during the hurricane season in the regions at risk nor leaving your ship there.
worldwide: > Menu > Hurricane tracker
general informations:
hurricane tracks throughout the world: Wikipedia – “Tropical Cyclone”
- weather report by Internet with the Islandic forecast,
- DWD (German Weather Forecast) via phone by my friend Thomas,
- meteorological advice via smartphone by a Danish professional.
They all agreed: Bft 7, not higher.
Nevertheless we got it in the neck: Bft 9, and for more than 5 hours Bft 10!
- At the Fastnet Race disaster in 1979 there indeed a low-pressure system has been forecast with wind force
of Bft 8. But by no means windforce 10, not to mention the murderous cross seas.
Yet it is important to receive the weather report on the high seas, too: ham radio, satellite-communication.
Wikipedia, Weather Report (Oct. 2018)
The prediction accuracy may vary considerably depending on the weather situation.
The data for the current state of the atmosphere stem from a network of surface monitoring stations …
Reasons for the lack of reliability:
1. Incomplete understanding what really happens within the earth`s atmosphere. …
Not all relevant data are collected, and when they are collected they inevitably are incomplete.
2. There is a percentage of weather events that principally is not explicable ? chaos research, butterfly effect.
3. The mathematical constructs, which describe the rules of the weather events, are so called non-linear equations.
That means, that even the slightest modification in the initial state may lead to a relatively big change in the result
of the mathematical calculation. …
(from: Wie entsteht Wettervorhersage,
The processing power of large-scale computers is too low to include all weather data worldwide.
Therefore the calculating programs have to make a choice. They set different priorities, e. g. wind, precipitation.
As a result the calculation programs which are available internationally have different strengths (= prediction accuracy).
The forecasting models of the providers refer to the raw data of these mainframe computers and set calculating priorities for their part again.
The American model is free of charge; it is the basis for almost all the prediction models.
Weaknesses in longterm forecasting.
- WRF Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Further development of GFS. The program calculates for smaller spaces with hourly resolution.
Therefore it may record better e. g. local thunderstorms.
- ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts; a European joint project)
Trip consulting:
In the end the meteorologist decides which program may forecast the weather most likely.
(So far Meeno Schrader,
Windy accesses two computational models worldwide (GFS and ECMWF), in Europe 5 models at the moment.
It is possible to retrieve separately the weather forcasts respectively the weather charts resulting from it.
And they can be compared - tabular or in the form of wind tabs on the reference site, which is set by a mouse-click.
It`s really astonishing how much the forcasts diverge.
But the key feature is that you as a prudent sailor will get the option to prepare for the worst case (which still may be wrong).
Windy is user-friendly designed for the mobile phone as well in contrast to nearly all the present electronic weather charts. (Jan. 2019)
Patrice Geffroy
During the last 10 years weather forcasting made much progress.
That approximately is the period of time needed for the North Atlantic passage. ...
Nowadays there is more and more route planning software on the market to steer a boat across the ocean taking account of weather charts
Added to that there is the new generation of Iridium satellites (NEXT) which at sea soon will allow to download large data volumes.
Sail-the-World (
The French Sailing Club says (Oct. 2016, analogously):
- It is possible to avoid the dangerous areas with high probability if one plans his route according to the weather situation
- It may be advisable to make use of a professional router.
(Note: A professional has a broader knowledge, i. g. about the tracks of low pressure areas,
and he has a wider range of possibilities at his disposal to interpret the meteorological data than
the layperson aboard.)
(Look above: Meeno Schrader, Wetterwelt)
- The commission points out that it is imperative to prepare ship and crew for storm conditions,
if the avoidance manoeuvres fail. (accentuations by myself)
Whatever tactic you use in heavy weather, do not forget to verify the position regularly.
- When running off an astonishing amount of miles may add up.
- If you are beating, nonetheless you may loose height.
- Even if the wind in a storm always blows from the same side of the ship, one may end up on the opposite course.
During the above mentioned gale when we left Iceland we sailed upwind under selfsteering (Aries),
covered a distance of ~ 150 nm within 48 hours and drifted away ~ 80 nm from the course line.
In the end the bow of our vessel pointed 180 degrees against the course we had at the beginnning,
although we had always been sailing against the wind from starboard.
They depend on fetch, wind strength and time of impact.
An example:
Bft Duration of impact in m significant wave height in m velocity of wave in kn
8 2 2,10 10,2
8 4 3,4 13,5
8 10 6,00 19,4
8 24 7,90 26,0
8 48 9,1 34,1
- "The significant wave height … correlates to the arithmetic average of the third of the highest waves"
(; translated)
- 10 % of all waves are of 25 per cent higher than the significant wave height.
"Further duration of exposure (to the wind) does not have influence on the height of the waves;
Breaking seas offshore are produced by the wind.
In the following I exclusively deal with this situation.
Andrew Claughton shows a series of photos:
1) The ship model lies at right angle to the wave; height of wave: ~ 3 x beam of the model; slope of the wave: ~ 45 degrees.
2) The wave lifts the ship nearly up to the crest.
3) The crest begins to break.
4) The ship`s rotation starts.
5) The breaker flows across the ship; the keel points vertically upwards.
6) The ship is pushed forward by wave and breaker towards the trough, the rotation continues.
7) The total roll over (360o) is completed; the model is located approximately at half height of the wave
and then is lifted across the crest subsequently.
(in: Peter Bruce, "Heavy Weather Sailing")
There is a different use of the term "breaker"
- In seaman`s language it means "a big overturning sea" (translated from: Claviez, Seemännisches Wörterbuch)
- in scientific usage:
If the height of a wave exceeds 1/7 of the wavelength the crest starts to break.
That happens to wavelets as well.
In accordance with latter one has to expect breakers at every windstrength.
- Breaking Seas and Size of the Ship
"During the model tests that were carried out to investigate the problem,
Hence it starts to become crucial when the breaking sea matches the beam of the ship.
On the other hand it is comforting that the state of the sea cannot be dangerous for a ship up to this wave height.
Concurrently it is confirmed that – on condition that it is the same design - the bigger ship also is more seaworthy than the smaller one.
"... two quantitative measures of when to consider your vessel in danger form the seas:
The first is when the wave height nears a match with the width of the vessel`s beam.
First one should get rid of the idea that yachts are "hit" by waves.
This only applies when the yacht is not able to move upward fast enough because of lack of buoyancy.
The Water Particles within the Wave
The crest of a wave must get his water from somewhere: the wave sucks the water in front of it (and behind of it).
(See also the retreat of the water level in the case of a tsunami.)
A water particle in front of a wave therefore first will move in the direction of the incoming wave.
Then the particle will climb up and simultaneously it will be shifted in the direction of the moving wave.
At the very top of the crest the particle nearly has obtained wave velocity.
- the particle will descend into the trough at the back of the wave ...
This water particle executes a nearly circular movement (orbital motion).
Thereby it is shifted in the direction of the wave.
(See Wikipedia, “Wind wave” / part: Formation; video “Water particle motion of a deep water wave”)
- ... or the particle will become part of a breaker:
When the wave is breaking the water particles will be accelerated additionally and flung in wave direction.
On the front of the breaking wave there will be formed something like a waterfall.
- Wave and Yacht
Now let us assume a yacht instead of the water particle.
She will follow the orbital motion of the water particles provided she has enough buoyancy.
The boat will climb up the front of the wave like one of the water particles (more precisely: she will be pushed up abruptly),
- Breaker and Yacht
- the yacht is lying a-hull or is sailing transversely to wave direction,
- and the height of the breaking wave corresponds roughly to the beam of the vessel:
The water particles move that part of the yacht, which they touch. So the yacht lying a hull at first will be moved towards the wave.
Then one side of the yacht will climb up the front of the wave, thus being lifted.
When this side of the yacht will reach the breaking crest the opposite side of her just will be in the trough.
At that moment the following forces are acting on the vessel:
- The part of the yacht down in the trough is accelerated towards the wave.
- The middle section – bottom and keel – is hoisted by the water particles.
- The other side of the vessel at the crest of the wave is accelerated in direction of the wave motion by the breaker.
Consequence: The current of water causes a rotation of the yacht.
- from: Stability Guidance Booklet
My drawing intends to show the movement of the water, the forces involved and the resulting rotation of the ship:
(A more extended description of the processes I tried to give in “Brecher und Yacht”; on this website.)
(Dynamic Stability" does not enhance anything.
It is a force which helps to stay the course.
But it does not decelerate a rotation.)
Back to the topic "Breaking Sea and Size of Ship":
- If the height of breaking wave matches the length of the ship the yacht might suffer a pitchpole.
- If the yacht steers bad or if she doesn`t accelerate fast enough the rear may be moved sideways: the yacht broaches.
Dangerous for her is the following sea.
- The situation exacerbates if a breaker hits the stern:
Maybe the yacht will be speeded up to such an extent that her bow will penetrate the water of the wave trough
respectively in the backside of the wave in front.
The movement of water particles here are heading for the opposite direction.
Therefore the yacht will be stopped abruptly and will suffer from a broach or a capsize.
Slick of the Keel ?
All the tests with ship models I know, also those of Jordan, work with stationary models.
But: Stationary remaining ships are not able to produce a slick.
- Many long keel yachts however produce a slick when heaving to and drifting.
Therefore the results of the above mentioned test with ship models are not necessarily relevant for long keel yachts , which are drifting.
Look further down: III Stormtactics / Heaving to
But beware: Not each "long keel yacht" produces this slick.
Unfortunately there is no investigation in relation to the behavior of drifting long keel yachts.
The question is where to get information whether your own long keel really produces this slick adequate?
- - - - -
But it`s blowing; N, Bft 7 to 8.
A fleet of racing yachts have to go back to Norway. Because of the heavy winds they postpone their departure by one day to Monday 22th of June.
"What they can do, we also can do!" – On Monday we will start. Eventually, I have a strong yacht!
The Banks of Bergen and Viking, which extend between the Shetland Islands and Norway we will pass with ~ 280 feet of water under the keel.
In the following morning the winds are 4 to 5 Bft from the N. State of the sea: high. Waves: also from the N, 9 to 12 ft.
The waves are long. No danger! When the yacht is sailing in the trough one just can see the top of the masts of the overtaking yachts.
At around midnight the sea becomes uneasy, steeper. The reason probably is the Bergen Bank which we are beginning to cross at the moment.
About 0200 at night I leave the cockpit. (Christof rests in the bunk.) I am hungry! I need some calories.
In the meantime the motions of the ship have become so violent, that I crouch, bread in one hand, sausage in the other, back against the stove not to be lifted.
All of a sudden a flick, a being blown off like by a badminton racquet. The shuttlecock … that´s me!
I am catapulted crossways through the pantry and across the companionway, pitching from above on the edge of the navigation seat below me, gasping for air ...
The ship had been heeling presumably nearly to 90 degrees.
Inconceivable the abruptness and the easiless of being punched. In a fraction of a second!
If I had been staying in the cockpit I would have been kicked over board even I would have been harnessed.
So I get off with a broken rib.
Lessons to be learned
- It was right to orientate myself to the more experienced, to the regatta participants. It was wrong to copy them.
I should have addressed myself to them. Supposedly they would have talked about the perils of the Viking – Bergen - Bank.
- Unknown to me was that a breaking wave become perilous for a yacht which sails beam on to the waves which match in their height the beam of the boat .
When the sea became agitated I at least should have luffed up.
- I never would have thought of the possibility that at the North Sea the waves could have been altered by the sea bed at a water depth of 280 ft.
Long seas had been developping to a dangerous sea state.
- You have to pay attention at all rising sea floors; not only at the edges of the continental shelf.
- Inside of a yacht one should have the possibility to leash oneself by the lifebelt.
Supplement (2022)
I still keep on thinking how suddenly and how easy I have been catapulted off and pitched across the boat.
An explanation may be found at Donald Jordan (see Donald Jordan, „Ausgewählte Texte“, on this website). Especially his sketches are instructive
(see … "Winston Churchill with Drogue").
I believe that Summertime has been caught laterally by a breaking wave, was heeled extremely, was picked up and thereby accelerated up to the speed of the wave
… but inside of the yacht I kept on flying at the speed of the wave.
The wave which hit Summertime certainly has been much smaller. Hence the wave`s velocity has been less (and concerning me the acceleration as well).
- - - - -
In the courses of Deutscher Seglerverband (= German Sailing Association) there are taught important subjects: navigation, shipping law, meteorology.
In my opinion one essential teaching content is missing: the basics which are discussed in this chapter.
Those venturing on the open sea e. g. should know that one should not sail beam-on to steep, possibly breaking waves once a certain wave height has been reached.
"Today, the vast majority of production yachts are simply not designed for heavy weather. …
(This and the following quotations from: Steve & Linda Dashew, "Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia")
- General Criteria
Offshore yachts
- should be built solidly,
- should not capsize,
- should right themselves if it happens after all,
- at the same time take over water as little as possible
- and stay afloat, even if there is a heavy ingress of water.
Olin Stephens:
"When I think of the boat in which I should be happiest in meeting heavy weather I visualize one that is moderate in every way,
In the final analysis I recommend moderate proportions and lots of strength."
(Olin Stephens, "Yacht design and construction for heavy weather", quoted according to P. Bruce in: Heavy Weather Sailing, 2008)
Every Offshore cruiser should meet defined quality criteria.
- The requirements for the CE-label "Category A" (Recreational Craft Directive 2013/52/EU ) - wich means "open sea" - are not sufficient.
- Offshore yachts should not only be designed but also built according to
This would probably exclude delamination of the rudder which for instance happend to SY DOVE II:
The sailing yacht of Manfred Jabbusch is coming from New York and heading to the Azores.
The yacht is running deeply reefed in force 6 to 7 Bft (Beaufort scale: ~ 30 knots):
"I was on my way back to the cockpit, when I suddenly saw a huge, black wall, coming up towards us. … the yacht suffered a 360 o - roll.
- The same applies for the deck. In a situation as mentioned it must remain undamaged.
Both aspects speak in favor of
- hulls from metal, woodchore or kevlar reincorced solid laminate
- and masts from carbon fibres (less weight = less kinetic energy).
Collision with floating object
This is feared by everybody. That`s the reason why all sailing vessels are fitted with a collision bulkhead.
On our yacht we have foamed the storage space under the berths in the forecabin with expanded polystyrene (EPS) up to the waterline.
EPS has no capillarity. It is a "closed cell" – synthetic. His absorption of water when stored underwater amounts 0 to 5 percent.
- Loss of the Keel
From 1984 until today (Sept. 2018) there happened
Cause of damage:
I assume that particularly GRP yachts are involved.
One of these cases is the fate of CHIKI RAFIKI: loss of keel, then capsized; 4 persons dead.
GRP consists of a lot of singular fibres of glass, which are adhered by resin.
If high force is applied some fibres break, but not the whole bundle. This recurs with the next force … and so on.
GRP totals these damages without anybody noticing it. When a certain limit has been reached it fractures.
When a modern yacht with fin keel severely hits a rock or solid sand the keel will be pushed backward.
Water ingress not always takes place; however the laminate will probably be damaged.
The problem is exacerbated by modern designs which aim at speed: long, narrow keels with
the center of gravity as low as possible. This means a large lever arm and high forces.
A weakening of the laminate also takes place due to water absorption.
a laminate combined with vinylester will still have about 80 %,
(data acc. to "Klebrige Sache" by Ralf Weise, Palstek 2/10
Ralf Weise is a sworn-in expert for sailing yachts
All the more necessary is a watertight protective coating. Best is epoxy resin.
But through hulls and unprotected bores in the section of the bilge are possible weakpoints as well.
Difficult to assess is the resilience of old GRP vessels (embrittlement, fatigue).
Yachts which have become “soft” by sailing in principle the same took place as what has happened when running aground:
In the end not even a grounding is necessary to cause the keel break out. Maybe the abrupt motion of a violent wave is sufficient.
The owner of a GRP yacht should be aware of the limits of the material:
- Hairline cracks in the laminate are alarm signals if they can be associated with the keel.
- In the case of a grounding an inspection by an expert needs to be initiated.
He can carry out an ultrasonic test in addition to a moisture measurement,
although it is not possible to determine exactly the extent of the damage.
(acc. to R. Weise; Email, Okt. 2018)
- If GRP absorbs water more than 2 % then there a serious defect exists.
By a measuring instrument every owner is able to ascertain whether the hull of his vessel contains water.
Thereby one should check particularly: the linkage of the keel to the hull,
the laminate under the engine base and the rudder blade.
- In principle there are two types of devices :
- devices with tips; the tips have to prick the material ("invasive")
- devices which determine the moisture by contact (non invasive, "capacitive")
- Measuring depth of capacitive units: "normally 10 – 40 mm"
- Quality, price:
"Lower-end products are suitable for assessments, whether a moisture problem exists."
"Better equipped units provide display values of the percentage of the moisture content
instead of dimensionless parameters." (The latter are insuitable.)
- One has to know limit average values if you want to evaluate a measured value.
Ralf Weise:
- "The value of the water content normally is less than 2 % …"
- Immediately after hauling out the boat the hull is moist.
The yacht should have been onshore for some weeks when measuring.
- Gauging the laminate: above the waterline and below the waterline.
"If the moisture of the laminate on the underwater hull exceeds 30 percent of the
moisture of the surface vessel a serious defect exists. This has to be classified as alarming.”
(Note: This applies to osmosis, but presumably in general, too.)
It is not possible to issue a definite judgment for a layman. Too many influencing factors must be taken into account.
- Loss of the Rudder
I do not know any really usable emergency rudder. Therefore an intact rudder is exceedingly important.
The spinnaker pole to which a bottom board is lashed, a system which always is recommended, doesn`t
work everywhere. Reports and tests illustrate this.
("Steering a boat without a rudder" shows the options:
One should test whether they work.)
The GRP - rudder is subject to the same problem of moisture penetration as GRP-hulls made from fiberglass and polyester (look above).
(acc. to Ralf Weise, "Schreckgespenst Osmose", Palstek 4/15)
In the case of a new rudder the corresponding application will meet the requirements.
But if the rudder is soaked with water it has to be dried before.
Yachts which are infected by osmosis have to be sandblasted or “stripped off” by means of a “gelcoat plane” up to the laminate.
(It is advised against of grinding because the laminate might be damaged all too easily.)
After that the yacht has to be dried and the outer skin rebuilt with epoxy. Either the resin is applied by rolling or the coating
is redone with epoxy putty.
In the case of a soaked rudder supposedly you have to proceed in a similar way.
The weak point is "the connection or transition between the fiberglass of the blade and the rudder post made of aluminum and coming from above."
For under load the two materials expand differently: the connection is parting, sea water forces its way in causing the foam core to rot.
U. Baykowski (expert) believes, "that nearly every yacht is affected by moisture problems at the rudder when older than ten years."
(from: "Rund ums Ruder", Palstek 4/2018)
Maybe water penetration can be identified because of the darker color of the antifouling near the bottom of the rudder.
More reliable and recommendable at any rate would be to gauge.
Ralf Weise:
To prevent the intrusion of water
… “a fillet of elastic sealing compound is made between rudder post and rudder blade as regards serial ships.
With custom built yachts sometimes epoxy resin is infused into a V–gap between rudder post and blade. Then the mentioned elastic fillet is set.”
Ralf Weise continues:
“About rudder blades off the shelf it`s a common misconception that drying is sufficient to regain the former strength in the case of strong water ingress.
Rudder blades should be replaced if water has been embedded over a longer period.”
(Ralf Weise, Palstek, 11/20)
Wolfram Heibeck (
„If you want to obtain an exceedingly durable result you may work the rudder stock from GRP- or even better from CFK – laminate.”
(Palstek, 1/2021)
“The advantage of a stock made from reinforced plastic material is that the connection between stock and blade is homogenous
and absolutely watertight.” (Email)
Jefa Rudder, website (
Before factory dispatch Jefa technicians apply a fillet of Sika 221 along the rudder stock/rudder blade join line.
Questions to Jefa:
- There has been a lot of problems with delamination of rudders the last years. Have rudders made by Jefa been affected?
- Experts are telling that it is not possible to seal the critical point, because aluminium and GRP have different characteristics.
Thor Christen Hermann ( answering:
- ”We only hear that water comes in … when boatowners don’t service their rudders as recommended.
Our blades are also glued from the inside of the blade when closing the moulds together. We use Sikaflex to be double secure.
- The reason that we don’t produce GRP stock is cost, safety and the fit of bearings.
- Regarding the Carbon stock, it is something we are going to do, but … it is difficult just to jump to Carbon,
- A last note, the only big boat yard which is using GRP rudders is Beneteau, which only does it when the blade needs to be extra slim.
Hanse, Bavaria, Contest, Solaris, X-Yacht, J-boat etc. use … a full carbon rudder, when the customers ask for it …”
- Unsinkability ... of course would be a desirable feature.
His sailing yacht KATHENA NUI was equipped with … "three watertight sealed off compartments: forecabin, cabin, aftcabin. …
(This quotation and the following from: "Segeln mit Wilfried Erdmann"; translated)
Unsinkability normally is achieved by watertight sections. But to get a ship really unsinkable is very difficult.
It is nearly impossible to get compartments watertight at a completed boat.
… cannot be the slution. You would need ~ 9 m3 of EPS for a yacht of 8 tons.
There would remain hardly any space to live.
"Most conventional yachts suffer significant water ingress when rolled. …
- Self-righting
A flush-deck vessel may seem to be of greater seaworthiness but in reality it is lacking … b
How prone to a capsize are these types of yachts? What about their self-righting abilities? What happens in a 180o – roll if their keel has been retracted?
If yachts retract their keel when running and they are hit by a breaker which is fading away, it may be that they slide sideways because of their flat bottom now.
This may be an advantage.
But if they are immediately involved in the dynamics of a breaking sea this ability is of no use.
Then only will count their strength, watertightness and their self righting ability.
I fear that a ship without or with a small keel will have bad cards in a capsize.
(Look "Brecher & Yacht" in: "Sturm", on this website.)
… is designed for speed. That leads to lightweight, beamy boats.
"I see and have tried to emphasize the dangers of decreasing displacement and increasing beam
Steve Dashew with regarding to the yacht POUR AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (participant at Vendee Globe 1996/97):
"The vessel in question lost its rig in the capsize although it should have had an LPS of around 140 degrees.
(LPS = Limit of Positive Stability; spot of a yacht`s curve of statical stability where it is impossible for her to right herself;
The Pogo has a length to beam ratio of 8.60 / 3.60 = 2.36. With most of the offshore yachts the value is 3 or somewhat more.
This could be the reason of the capsize and the persistence in the reverse position.” (Translated)
(Image of the Pogo 8.50 on 2017)
- - - - -
Supplement (2022)
The center of the offshore yacht`s gravity should be kept as low as possible by all means.
Adverse effects are produced by
- teak deck
- In-mast furling mainsail
- equipment rack
„These light solarzells which we sewed on the bimini-top really are improving.
You do not need any longer the heavy rear rack, which is unbalancing the vessel.“
- dinghy
It should be stowed below deck at least during an ocean passage.
- - - - -
Donald Jordan
"History shows that the probability of a yacht being capsized and damaged by a large breaking wave
is strongly influenced by the displacement of the vessel.
(Donald Jordan, "Wave Science", accentuations by myself)
The RORC `s (Royal Ocean Racing Club; promoter of the Fastnet-Race) Fastnet-Report
… tried to analyse the reasons for the Fastnet-Desaster in 1979. In the report there are various parameters tabulated:
Class No. of Crew lost Yachts abandoned
Since recovered Lost Believed Sunk
0 - - -
I - 1 -
III 2 4 2
IV 1 7 1
V 2 7 2
Table 3.2 (excerpt)
"Knockdown beyond horizontal, including a 360o roll"
Class Yachts Knockdowns Knockdowns in %
(235) (76)
0 8 - 0 %
I 40 5 8 %
II 40 4 5 %
III 52 24 31 %
IV 46 20 26 %
V 47 22 25 %
The Classes II and I got off comparative cheaply; in Class 0 there is no knockdown including a 360o roll.
(All the yachts of Class 0 have presumably been southerly of the worst sea area because of their higher speed potential.
Annex 2A of the Fastnet-Report shows that zone. For this reason these ships don`t come into the following considerations.)
It would be import to know the length of the yachts which got off from this gale more or less unscathed.
From this fact there could be drawn conclusions regarding a recommendable minimum size of seagoing yachts.
Length of the yachts in Class II (RORC) ?
The Classes of RORC are grouped corresponding to "feet rating" in a complex procedure.
„The rating of a yacht is a measure of her effective sailing length, with certain allowances for factors such as engine weight and propeller drag
(Fastnet Race Inquiry - Report, Section 1, Background / 1.6, S. 7)
Class V, the class of the smallest yachts, begins at "Rating 21" and ends up at "Rating 22.9". (ibid., table 1.2)
The commentory states: "The minimum size of boat which might qualify for entry is about 28 ft length …" (ibid., 1.6)
So 28 ft is the minimum size of the yachts permitted.
Class II starts from Rating 29.
If Rating 21 is corresponding to 28 ft (8.53 m) then Rating 29 means 38.66 ft (= 11.78 m).
In the Fastnet Race 1979 yachts got off lightly starting from >38.66 ft.
"Of the 85 boats that finished the race, only 13 were smaller than 38 feet (11.7 m).
Of the 24 boats that were abandoned, all but one were 38 feet ... or smaller.
All the 15 sailors who died were from this large population of smaller boats." (Highlightings by myself)
"The bigger boats did not excape unscathed: 6 entries larger than 44 feet (13,4 m) have been rolled over..."
Nevertheless Dashew draws the line at >38 ft as well.
Minmal size of the seagoing yacht:
Size is no guarantee but too small was fatal in the Fastnet Gale.
The accident statistics of the Fastnet Report suggests:
- Offshore yachts should be not smaller than 38.66 ft (11.80 m).
"One clear lesson from Fastnet is that for offshore sailing given a choice between boats of different sizes, take the larger boat.
(This assuming that her beam and displacement are not extreme in width and lightness, and also assuming that she is strongly built and rigged.)"
Back to Pogo 8.50 once again:
8.50 m LOA corresponds to 27,88 ft. In 1979 the yacht would not have been approved to the Fastnet Race because of her too small LOA.
- Heavy-displacement / full keel - Light-displacement / fin keel
The classic, heavy full keel yacht with wine-glass-shaped bulkheads, a deep going keel across nearly the full length of the hull and with the rudder attached
Wilfried Erdmann
… chose a moderate fin keel made of aluminium, a light displacement design:
“The underwater hull doesn`t offer much resistance, and the fin keel boat picks up speed faster in gusts
and thus takes a great deal of the impact of the seas.” (Translated)
Thus the terms "heavy-" or "light – displacement" are inapprobriate, determines …
„You can quite easily have a heavy-displacement yacht that is very light constructed and carries a small payload,
and a light-displacement cruiser built like a tank, that carries lots of gear.
The problem comes in the formula typically used … the displacement-length-ratio (DLR).”
Using the example of his yachts INTERMEZZO and SUNDEER he demonstrates how you can change from one categorie to the other only by small modifications.
On that basis Dashew develops a new formula with regard to the seaworthiness of yachts:
Dependent on construction the full keel yacht is hard to steer; but included are all the other types of ships which you cannot steer by the tip of your finger in heavy seas.
"Offshore in a blow, traditional boats were a real to steer and had to be slowed down due to the risk of broaching."
Yachts with excellent steering control:
"The spade rudder is by far the most efficient, skeg-mounted rudder second, and keel-attached rudder least effective."
"In our opinion, the single most important heavy-weather issue is the ability to steer the boat in big seas.”
"Nothing is more important than steering control.“
Steering control will be achieved
- by a flat U-shaped hull
"The flat shape does not lock into the water as does the V, so it is more easily turned.”
- with lines as balanced as possible
Yacht designs with a wide stern and tapered in the prow are not controllable when heeled beyond a certain magnitude.
They tend to head up into the wind.
In the worst case they will capsize.
In contrast a balanced yacht will keep her control capability.
- by separated keel and rudder configuration in combination with spade rudder.
"The keel provides a pivot point about which the rudder turns the hull.”
“The long keel only makes it more difficult for the rudder to get the boat back on course.”
Moreover the ideal offshore yacht is characterized by
- moderate beam,
- high freeboard,
"If the decks stay dry until 30 or 35 degrees, you`ll be in much better shape than if they start to get wet at 25 degrees."
- a deep center of gravity,
- moderate keel (~ ¼ of WL)
- and a limit of positive stability for
25- to 30-footers 135 to 140 degrees,
30- to 35-footers 132 to 137 degrees,
35- to 40 footers 130 to 135 degrees.
"You could ... take an additional 2 degrees off for 5 feet of increased length, to a minimum LPS of 125 degrees. ...
If you are heading into areas known for breaking seas, add some insurance to these heel angles."
- Classification of yachts based on steering control
Taking Dashew`s criteria to classify offshore yachts there are three categories:
1) Ships with bad steering control - But they produce a slick to windward when heaving to
(Note: "Heaving to" as an abbreviated linguistic idiom instead of "Heaving to is a safe storm tactic
for this type of yacht which preserves the yacht from capsizing." In the following always in this sense.)
This is the classic full keel yacht.
More precisely: It is the long keel yacht of the type Skorpion III A (longitudinal section in the appendices).
I assume that other classic full keel designs with deep keel and comparably large lateral area of the keel will behave in a similar manner.
2) Ships with good steering control - However they don`t produce any slick when heaving to
This is the modern fin keel yacht.
3) Ships with bad steering control - which furthermore (!) don`t produce slick (or too less) when heaving to.
These are all yachts in between.
Boats which are running off in a gale – even with extraordinary steering control – have to be steered in the end. Possibly very long.
But the crew of a cruising boat - are they able to do this?
Wouldn`t it be better the yacht would care for herself?
- - - - -
… it does not matter what tactics one uses.
Then the following alternatives may be feasible:
- Heaving to
Nevertheless the ship will be driven downwind.
Hence it is an alternative limited in time.
- Deploying a drogue
… generates the same difficulties as above.
- Drop the anchor as a last resort
Requirements: 30 - 50 m of chain, plus (!) nylon cable of the same length (or both longer).
A rope of nylon is elastic and it is able to absorb the movements back and forth. Chain alone can`t achieve that.
Breaking seas over a height which matches the beam of the boat
… may capsize the yacht when heaving to or sailing beam-on to the waves.
Hence it is necessary to choose the right tactics.
- Lying a-hull (Lying barepoles)
You take off all the sails, fix the rudder centrally and leave the boat to winds and waves.
Dr. Jens Kohfahl:
„The fact, that abandoned ships … have been found somewhere even after months later or have been stranded
(in: Trans-Ocean, July 2008; translated)
Dashew succinctly:
„If the waves are not breaking, lying ahull is fine. If they are breaking, monohulls are asking for a rollover.”
… if there would`nt be …
Summery: At 10 Bft with breakers Erdmann put down all the sails.
The yacht was lying barepoles, drifting in an angle of 60 degrees from astern to the waves.
But he manifested himself differently, too. (Cp. "Beating" and "Running")
W. Erdmann`s most horrible gale in the Agulhas Current:
Summary: First he has been steering. But later, when the seas grew too high and he feared to be washed out of the cockpit
Tthe weather has been blustering for two long days. …
Link: "Allein gegen den Wind, meine Nonstop-Weltumsegelung" at " Tages")
Erdmann had no alternative. Looking back to it he writes:
„Only one thing remains: lying a-hull, if possible downwind. …
("Allein gegen den Wind"; translated)
Although Erdmann got away I never would put my boat lying a-hull if there are alternatives.
I remember Dashew all too clear:
„If the waves are not breaking, lying ahull is fine. If they are breaking, monohulls are asking for a rollover.”
- - - - -
- Heaving to
I mention this episode as a proof that heaving to is a proved and tested survival technique even under extreme conditions with big full keel yachts.
It seems to me that it will fall into oblivion.
These terms are misleading; they grade up ("active") and devalue ("passive").
For this reason in my opinion these terms should not be used.
Reaching under main and foresail, then tack, the foresail should be left in the old position. After tacking rudder a little bit windward (tiller leeward).
In heavy winds the stormjib alone could be hoisted. The absent main is compensated by the hull, acting as a sail.
If the wind increases when heaving to, one has to reef down the sails as usual.
- Full keel yachts
The hove to drifting hull of a Skorpion III A e. g., a classic heavy-displacement-yacht, produces a zone of swirling water (slick),
(Explanation of the physical correlations in: "Brecher & Yacht", on this website)
Helmut van Straelen: „Beidrehen? ... Im Orkan?“ (Heaving to? ... Amidst the Hurricane?)
While crossing the Gulf Stream on the way from Annapolis to the Bermudas on board of JOSEPH HAYDN, a Skorpion IIIA, built by Feltz at Hamburg,
I am nearly unable to see something, the air is full of water … I hardly can think anymore…
I have to do anything! …
Heaving to?
Under these crazy conditions?
Aren`t we overrun, capsized within seconds ?!
It`s an act of despair: after the next passage of the sea … I put the helm.
The yacht is heeling in such a way, that we have to cling to, not to be thrown out of the cockpit. – Then JOSEPH HAYDN comes up again.
Curbed by the incredible wind she fast slows down …
Now the yacht starts drifting, abeam the wind … the terrific wind pressure is jamming the vessel into a breathtaking inclination …
Her long keel is producing a wave turbulence, against which the waves are running like against a beach, loosing their energy, collapsing. …
Note: With the help of "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" (NOAA) of the United States I could verify the particulars
stated by Helmut van Straelen. (see "Beidrehen? ... Im Orkan?" / Verifikation)
Everything has been confirmed.
Gary Griffin
The third time we are heaving to. The INDECISE virtually is stopped during the following 18 hours
in waves over 10 m and gusts of more than 60 kts.
The sea is white and the noise deafening.
The boat doesn`t have any problem.
Only the most vicious crests are reaching the deck but without endangering us.
… the most renowned sailor of heavy-displacement-yachts remarks:
"In the high southern latitudes a gale from the east will not produce extraordinary high waves…
The slick abeam the drifting boat will calm the breaking crests …
The situation however will be quite different, when the gale is blowing from the west, from the same direction from which the high swell
… produce little or no slick to windward. Heaving to should never be considered.
"The heavy-displacement, full-keel boat … might create a slick to windward … "
"Very few (if any) modern yachts create a slick – or enough of one to be valuable in these conditions.”
Barry Pickthall:
„The greatest advantage of modern yachts … is their manouvrability.
Never heave to … a severe knockdown would be the presumable consequence.“
("Blauwassersegeln manual"; translated)
- Yachts in between
Maybe vessels with rather long keel but split lateral plane do not create enough slick.
Just the same holds true for long keel yachts with a comparatively small lateral plane, e. g. vessels with centerboards
- Further Aspects
By modifying the sail balance you may influence the angle to wind and waves.
- More foresail (or less main): the boat will bear away somewhat.
- Less foresail (or more main): the boat will position itself closer to the wind.
- Sometimes it`s enough to ease out or haul in the main.
"In breaking seas, you`ll want to have the bow as close to the seas as possible. …
the best angle in heavier weather is the closest angle to the wind, with oscillations down to 50 degrees.”
Heaving to as a possibility to renew strength
If the seas don`t break heaving to is applicable for the short keel yacht, too.
But it is limited in time, that is to say until the front passes.
Risks when heaving to
Involuntary tack
If you choose an angle too pointed to the seas it might happen, that the yacht will be pushed to the other bow by a wave
Passage of the front, crossing seas
When the front passes, there is a windshift of about 90 degrees. This change of the direction of the wind causes crossing seas.
The boat should be kept in such a manner that the bow now bisects these directions of the wind.
Furthermore one has to consider, that the wave system may superimpose and the wave heights may duplicate.
"If the seastate is not threatening, the passage of the front is simply a sign to resume your course.
But if you are dealing with breaking waves, the passage of the front may bring on the most dangerous phase of the storm,
where you now have to deal with crossing seas. In this situation passive tactics – such as being hove to or lying to a sea anchor –
may have to be changed to those which are more active, so you can maintain better wave alignment.”
These considerations are obviously valid for full keel yachts, too.
- Running off was the wrong tactic for his yacht.
- By heaving to his full-keel yacht resisted windforce 12, perhaps more.
In fact only a rogue wave may exceed the corresponding seas.
Personally I am convinced by Helmut`s report:
Perhaps the passage of the front will be difficult.
My solution would be in this case: JSD (Jordan-Drogue. About this equipment and about freak waves later.)
However for yachts which rather belong to the light displacement design heaving to will really become a problem:
the yacht lies at right angles to the breakers with her most vulnerable point, namely her side.
Once more Barry Pickthall:
"Never heave to … a severe knockdown would be the presumable consequence.“
Does one really know, whether the necessary slick is produced?
One should try to obtain informations whether the own yacht is able to heave-to (shipyard, designer; other sailors
who sail the same type of yacht).
Maybe one could test heaving-to under not too dangerous conditions.
- Beating (Beating to Weather)
This depends on the sea area, the height of the waves and their steepness.
My friend Horst Oelerich sailed with a modern fin keel boat on the North Sea against Bft 10, because the Dogger Bank was lying in wait in his back.
- You need a good tacking yacht. Ideal would be fin keel, spade rudder, sharp bow and an appropriate rigging plus sails.
The weight should be centered as far as possible, that means forecastle and stern as light as possible.
This indeed is valid for every kind of storm tactic.
- It is important, that the yacht can gain height upwind in the crucial moments.
- One of the conditions is that you can see the waves at night or at least the direction of the wind.
When the wave has passed one should sail diagonally down the slope of the wave, gain momentum (may be you bear away for a moment),
Turn the yacht (bear away) on top of the wave in order she does not to overshoot the crest, and down again diagonally into the trough.
Not too fast! The boat has to be well controllable and should not blast over the crests.
Optimal sail area
"The norm is to set up for the gusts.
„… given the correct sails, a good helmsman or two, and a boat that is efficient to windward, there are many situations
Breaking Seas
„However, if the seas are breaking, and speed is necessary for good steering response, (and perhaps for blasting through the crests),
- Breaker
The yacht may be dragged aback; she then ends up in the trough.
- Passage of the front
Crossing seas: There is always a tack which is worse and one which is better against the seas.
"With breaking crests the best tack will typically be the one which takes you most directly up the crest.
With crossing seas, in breaking conditions you will need to choose the tack which allows you
to adjust course into the cross sea if that is necessary."
Motorsailing to Weather
Maybe the engine might grant the required thrust to the ship.
- Clear fuel and clean tank. Ideal would be two diesel filters, installed parallel and reversible.
- Continous cooling! Not every engine tolerates heel.
"Using the engine … it provides the extra thrust that is occasionally required
to get your bow through a breaking crest.”
"In many situations motorsailing may just be the ultimate storm tactic. Consider the advantages:
- quickly variable speed control,
- improved slow-speed rudder efficiency,
- the ability to take breaking crests at a tighter angle than is possible by sails alone,
- possibility of eliminating the storm jib, which means you can sail closer to the wind
without risk of getting caught aback.
For vessels that are inefficient to windward it may be the only way to sail upwind in storm conditions."
Helmut van Straelen
Could you have imagined to sail upwind in these conditions? (Bft 12)
“No, by no means. Beating against weather on a heavy full-keel yacht - no way!" (Translated)
Wilfried Erdmann on his circumnavigation against the wind:
During this kind of stormy sailing the automatic windvane (Aries) confidently kept course.
But when the windforce augmented and when there was foamy water on deck and the spray spouted across the boat up to the stern
At least I could keep position using this tactic. … It has been the most exerted solution to weather a gale.”
"In the region of Cape Horn and in severe weather I tried to sail under storm canvas against wind and seas.
The speed of the yacht was okay, but she vibrated frenziedly, smashing into the seas violently with her bow.
“But you also can sail less offensive against the wind hauling in the sheet getting less speed …
("Blauwassersegeln manual"; translated)
The last Global-Challenge-Race took place in 2008, round the world from E to W.
The yachts had been specifically designed for this event, made from steel, 72 ft (22 m), manned with 11 sailors plus skipper.
My Conclusions:
I think that beating to weather first depends on the fact whether you are en route against weather or not.
Of course there are situations where beating is unavoidable e. g. when you are pressed onto a leeshore.
In generalI I appreciate beating to weather up to a certain sea state.
When the wind increases even more the moment will come when you have to quit sailing upwind.
Then you should have a plan how to proceed.
- - - - -
- Running Off / Running under Bare Poles
German "Lenzen" means:
"… running off before the storm up with the smallest possible canvas."
(Claviez, "Seemännisches Wörterbuch"; translated)
"Lenzen vor Topp und Takel" (Running barepoles)
In Germany normally there is no difference in the meaning of "Running off" and "Running under bare poles".
Hal Roth:
„When there`s too much wind for heaving-to or lying a-hull, the next step is to run off …”
"Assuming you have sea room to leeward, running off at speed under control offers one of the safest ways
of dealing with breaking seas."
- The yacht has to be well controllable.
Modern yachts with fin keel, spade rudder and a flat hull are most suitable.
Ships with a deep and sharp stem (V-shape) dig in and don`t turn fast enough.
- "Well controllable" is not a matter of personal feeling.
The yacht has to react at once answering to the slightest swing of the rudder, without the need for any muscle strength.
Even at high speed, even in inclined position.
- Full keel yachts are headstrong. Whenever they take a direction you hardly can bring them around.
"They say ´dependable in keeping course´. But in a crucial situation you can`t get around the stubborn horse!"
(Mr. Erwin Oelerich, my sailing instructor and mentor; translated)
- The helmsman has to steer very concentrated.
Because of this generally it is necessary to replace him soon.
Thus you need at least two good helmsmen, better more.
- It is important again, that at night the helmsman is able to realize the crests or at least the direction of the wind.
- When running it is necessary to keep the yacht in right angles to the seas.
It is advantageous to set the sails as far ahead as possible and to take off the main thus improving the capability of steering
because the distance between "center of effort of the sails" and "center of effort of the rudder" is enlarged.
- The waves may block the wind when they get a certain height and the yacht is sailing in the trough.
Then it could be better to use the furling jib instead of the storm jib.
- When the wave overtakes the yacht the effect of the rudder is neutralized for a moment.
Cause: the orbital movement of the water particles (well illustrated in Wikipedia).
In this moment the particles flow in the same direction as the yacht sails (and the rudder moves).
Thus the rudder looses its incident flow.
When we have been running off in the Golfe du Lion with our yacht (28 ft) (in windforce 9 and waves of 12 ft with storm jib up only),
it was not the problem to run into the wave tail of the sea before us but to keep the yacht controllable
immediately when the crest of the wave has been passing.
In our case the jib has been dragging the yacht in a straight line ahead.
- In order to maintain to some degree the steerageway of a yawing ship in strong winds one aid might be to set the stormjib centered,
The wind has to be so strong that the sail no longer is necessary as propulsion.
Nevertheless Running is one of the most controversial discussed issues.
I categorize under three headings:
1) Running off up to hullspeed
2) Accelleration beyond hull speed
3) Running off at very high speed (surfing)
1) Running Off up to Hullspeed
- Fin Keel Yachts
Prow and stern "… have been almost emptied, to give more buoyancy to these sections.
“When the wind developed up to gale-force and green water washed over the deck …
The boat remained controllable with this tiny piece of canvas. …
These courses with the wind on the quarter or astern I always steer manually.” (Translated)
… has been running with his heavy full keel yacht having set a tiny hurricane jib initially.
“At each passing of the waves the ship has first been lifted with her stern. Then from my seat behind the steering wheel
This has been the most dangerous moment, because for an instant the rudder has been without effect.
Did you have a problem with the speed?
“No. She has been picking up speed slowly because the boat has been so heavy, 20 tons.
An extraordinary design of Karl Feltz!"
Did you see the crests of the waves? It was night, spray!
“Absolutely no visibility! Steering merely via feeling of the buttocks and electronic wind gauge.
After 24 hours of steering Helmut van Straelen hoves to totally exhausted.
If he had known how his yacht behaves subsequently he doubtless would not have been running until his physical limits.
For all yachts there is the danger of broaching if getting transverse to the waves, of being pushed out of course by a breaking sea
A good controllable yacht can be brought back to course without difficulties, a bad steerable yacht will get into troubles.
She will break out, will lay beam-on to the waves and maybe she will be capsized by the following sea.
Dashew about full keel yachts:
With such a design there is no choice but to adopt a slow-down approach to the elements.”
Van Straelen hove-to. Dashew thinks nothing of heaving-to.
- Outmanouver Dangerous Seas ?
Donald Jordan
… analyses the correlations completely different:
This is a particularly unfortunate choice. The waves are moving faster than the boat can go.
The breaking wave is completely random (zufällig, willkürlich).
2) Accelleration beyond hull speed
C. A. Marchaj:
"When the yacht … is surfing down a wave … the velocity may be augmented so much,
that the seas are becoming seas from ahead finally; then the bow is digging in the back of the wave ahead …"
("Seetüchtigkeit – der vergessene Faktor"; translated)
The bow will be blocked abruptly, the stern will be pushed around and the yacht will lie abeam to the seas or she will be capsized.
Donald Jordan analizes the process as follows (I summarize):
The yacht not only will be lifted by the advancing sea but accelerated as well.
(according to Jordan: "The Loss of the Winston Churchill”)
- - - - -
Interim result
It seems, that yachts which are not excellently controllable, have to be decelerated,
Running off under high speed Jordan considers wrong even for good controllable yachts.
As a consequence the yacht has to be decelerated ?
There are two diametrically opposed opinions: Slowing down – Not slowing down.
2.1 Not slowing down
- Full Keel Yachts
Bernhard Moitessier
… cuts the ropes, which has been dragged by the yacht in a survival-gale.
The classic text section as follows:
Moitessier cuts off all the ropes.
(Kap Horn – der logische Weg; translated)
Helmut van Straelen
"Since Moitessier everybody knows that this is just the wrong for a long keel yacht."
Did she sail too slow in the troughs? Breakers have been catching the cockpit.
"No, not that. It only happened when a big chunk broke immediately behind us in the 6 to 8 hours of extreme windspeed.
(This and all following quotes of Bobby Schenk from: “Blauwassersegeln”; translated)
- Fin Keel Yachts
Wilfried Erdmann
… has no positive experiences with deployed ropes or sea anchors.
we kept the stern against wind and waves."
"Conventional tempests, which means windforce about 8, I normally weathered in the cabin."
Only in heavy gales, in windforce 9 and beyond, I had to enter the Cockpit and operate the helm by hand.
Fortunately the periods have been not too long – the longest time, where I had to steer has been 30 hours approximately."
Helmut van Straelen had been at the wheel for 24 hours without a break. This also is not possible for me.
Eric Taberly:
"I think, that lightweight ships are able to run in every weather … Enough speed is very important in my opinion.
Therefore I don`t believe in running and dragging ropes."
(cit. from Alain Grée; translated)
… considers running without deploying any kind of drogue as one of the safest techniques as well.
"Assuming you have sea room to leeward, running off at speed under control offers one of the safest ways
Whereby Dashew recommends rather more speed.
"The key is the physical ability of the crew to control the speed and the direction of the vessel ..."
2.2 Slowing down
I don`t know whether Willam Albert Robinson was the first who made an attempt to use warps at his yacht VARUA.
"This type of vessel (full keel yacht) is difficult to steer downwind in heavy going … and is at extreme risk in a broach.
With such a design there is no choice but to adopt a slow-down approach to the elements.”
Bobby Schenk:
The principles are valid both for full keel and for fin keel yachts.
"You have several possibilities to decelerate the speed…"
"If necessary one may add more ropes or take warps on board again respectively open the bights."
Even automobile tyres would be suitable.
"Tires have been used … to increase the drag of the bights … These are strong, cheap, and readily available throughout of the world.”
"Ideal the bight of line will trail behind the boat 300 feet or so, which means you need 600 feet of line to start.”
"You`ll need some system of keeping the line immersed. This can be sections of chain, anchors, or both.
The important thing is to keep the bight from surfing or planing on the water`s surface. Once this happens,
drag will be substantially reduced.
There is also the risk of having the bight of line complete with attachments tossed into the cockpit by an overtaking wave.”
- Slowing down by means of modern drogues
In order to decrease velocity warps are used usually.
This is the familiar method here in Germany.
The remarks of Dashew concerning length of the ropes, additional weights and – nevertheless - of ineffectiveness
In Germany the refusal of sea anchors has been made permanent by the bad experiences of well-known German sailors.
Overseas the people has been more unprejudiced. They have experimented. The result are the so called "drogues".
They work absolutely different in comparison to the sea anchors (parachute anchors).
Meanwhile there are various types. Among others:
Galerider, Seabrake, Delta, Para-Anchor MK 2, Don-Jordan-Series-Drogue
(Photos and descriptions in: Bruce, "Heavy Weather Sailing", test results are attached.
Peter Bruce:
„The ideal drogue will cause the vessel to maintain a comfortable speed: neither too fast which might involve a broach,
nor too slow, which could bring about loss of steerage way."
It consists of broad belts which are conjoined to a web like a sack. The Galerider is sold in different sizes.
"We deployed Galerider while running under bare poles in Force 10 conditions, surfing at 10 to 12 knots.
Hal Roth comments:
New problems
When deploying the Galerider or other drogues the danger of broaching is reduced at the moment. At the same time new problems may develop.
That`s the case when
- the yacht is too slow to be steerable.
- or when you can`t steer because the warps hold the stern of the yacht.
(Therefore I never would fix drogues at the clamps astern but would fasten them to the pivot point of the yacht as near as possible,
3) Surfing downwind
Vito Dumas
… has been the first, who was running downwind with extreme speed:
"The wind – even blowing in gale-force - never made me shorten the sails."
("Auf unmöglichem Kurs"; translated)
This in wind speeds of 140 km/h and seas of 18 m!
For a long time people did believe that the etmals of Dumas have been so large because his measurements of the longitude by sextant
Today while offshore regattas are sailed with similar velocities, people know, that he told the truth.
… explains several techniques how light-displacement-yachts may deal with high speeds.
One of these is to luff (up to beam reach) in front of the crest to reduce speed …
„… and then pull the bow downwind before the crest actually impacts – so that you are aligned
heading down the wave 15 or so degrees up from a right angle to the wave`s direction of travel.”
Mr. Körner, designer of our yacht (Van de Stadt – Forna) reports something similar.
Wilfried Erdmann
I wouldn`t like to do it again, remember it, even discuss this technique.” (Translated)
The Global-Challenge-Racing-Yacht
"You feel like riding on a vertical rollercoaster. When surfing on crests the smallest inattention suffices and the yacht broaches …
The helmsmen have to be replaced every 15 to 20 minutes …
"On no account let luff the yacht! That could lead to a broach." (Translated)
The wave height can only be estimated.
… have been caught in a gale with heavy cross seas on board of JEANTEX, an Open 40 – Design, in 1986 during the “Twostar”,
In the next moment JEANTEX capsizes.
He is able to pull himself up on board with his own force.
The seas had been huge, most of them more than 10 m high.
In my memory the freak wave has been as high as our rig, unimaginable 17 meters.
Everything happened unbelievable fast. I have been realizing the wall, in the next moment it already became dark.
When it became bright again and I emerged from the water the mast just appeared out of the water.
It was important that my lifebelt did not tear.
Below deck there has been chaos. It took us days to put everything in order again. …
Erich Wilts:
When I am looking out of the bulleye, because for a moment it has been unusual quiet,
A terrible bang is following.
I find myself on the floor. Eric is catapulted … against the foot of the mast, Erhard across the stove.
"Freak waves exceed the ´significant height of waves´, i. e. the average value of the highest waves in a sea state, more than twice.
Known are three kinds of freak waves:
1. the Rogue Wave, a big relatively fast wave, which does not follow the normal direction of the seas;
2. the Three Sisters, three waves succeeding fast in series;
3. the White Wall, a very steep sea followed by a deep trough. Down from the crest of the wave there is sputtering the spray."
(Translated from German Edition)
But nowhere on the oceans you are safe.
Superpositions of waves are not dependent on windforce.
Referring to W. Quix and H. Weingärtner the windforce had been 10 Bft when the rogue wave hit the yacht.
With E. and H. Wilts it had been maybe 9 Bft. (“We soon have heavy gale again.”)
In the case of M. Jabbusch in contrast there it had been 6 – 7 Bft.
That is particularly alarming because nobody will take emergency measures in windforce 6 – 7 Bft.
- - - - -
Interim result
- The classical full keel yacht is able to heave to.
Example: Helmut van Straelen and his yacht JOSEPH HAYDN.
- But I am owner of a fin keel yacht.
If Beating no longer is possible and Heaving-to fundamentally is out of question then
Running becomes inevitable.
- The next alert level will be, when it threatening that the yacht is becoming to fast.
Why not slow down in this case?
Therein I follow Dashew`s and Bobby Schenk`s arguments.
- In Running - irrelevant if decelerating or not – it is necessary to steer the boat.
At some point the small crew will get to their limits.
What next?
In the long run it cannot be the right tactics to stand at the helm without a predictable end,
no matter wether heavy or light displacement yacht.
From that I shy away. I still can hear Dashew all too clear:
„If the waves are not breaking, lying ahull is fine. If they are breaking, monohulls are asking for a rollover.”
- Running under use of autopilot or wind vane?
- Are there other possibilities?
Let`s turn to the aids.
- - - - -
V Auxiliary Means
Best and most simple would be if one could disembark.
"Life" is promised by …
- Life rafts
„Life rafts clearly failed to provide the safe refuge which many crews expected."
… because of the promise which is present in the promotional designation.
and the yachts which these seven people abandoned were subsequently found afloat and towed to harbor.”
- Autopilot
Meanwhile autopilots became the norm in the sailor`s sphere. Corresponding battery banks and means to generate energy are necessary.
Jessica Watson applied a wind vane plus autopilots on her S & S 34.
Abby Sunderland suffered a capsize, Jessica Watson nearly.
- Windvane
Not every ship is suited in the same way for a vane.
Wilfried Erdmann
"Beam-to-length-ratio is the first criterion.
“Even in moderate gales she was working – indeed with deviations from the course up to 30 degrees.”
“Moreover I fear to be dragged out of the cockpit by a breaker and washed into the sea.
I engage the mechanical selfsteering again and move hand over hand into the cabin, lie down on the floor and stiffen."
(Homepage, link to; translated)
Wilfried Erdmann has not been rescued by the windvane.
This device however is helpful in the "lower" windforces. Erdmann had to steer by hand starting at ~ 9 Bft.
With more than ~ 9 Bft the Aries had been overstrained with particularly steep and high seas.
I had to enter the cockpit, the Aries remained engaged.
When there was approaching a particularly high wave I turned the wheel while the Aries was engaged and put the yacht on a closer reach.
The engine always has been running in neutral.
I have been demanded approximately for 5 hours , what I could stand.
I think that Bft. 9 to 10 could have been controlled in the same way.
In German there is only the term "sea anchor", namely for
“a bag made of canvas in the shape of a cone respectively a truncated pyramid.”
(Claviez, "Seemännisches Wörterbuch"; translated)
... which is deployed from the bow or the stern and which holds the yacht as if she lies at anchor.
Nevertheless nearly all the authors reject the classic sea anchor as well as the parachute anchor.
- When a yacht is kept in a seaway almost unmanageable powers are generated by the forces of the sea,
which try to push the vessel away against the drag of the parachute anchor.
- At anchor every yacht is swinging, at parachute anchor, too. That may add up to 90 degrees to the direction of the waves.
If a breaker hits the ship in this moment the yacht has no chance.
which they deployed from the bow. They placed their yacht at a kind of bridle behind the parachute anchor:
one rope led to the bow the other to the stern. In this way they could influence the angle of her yacht to the seas.
It seems that there has not been the above mentioned swinging of the yacht.
That`s exactly why people are amazed (e. g. Hal Roth).
It may well be that parachute anchors which are deployed from the bow are more suitable for vessels,
which turn their bow to the wind, e. g. for big motor ships or fishing vessels.
- Drogues
Look above.
"The Jordan Series Drogue® (JSD) is the best of the lot in my judgment.”
VI Don-Jordan - Series - Drogue (JSD)
Between the stern of the yacht and the cable fitted with cones there is lashed a "rein" consisting of two ropes which form a "V".
The JSD has been designed for the worst situation namely when a breaker wants to toss the yacht into the trough of the wave,
then rolling her over.
(What happens when a yacht is thrown into the trough I tried to describe in "Brecher & Yacht"; on this website).
The JSD prevents this.
Like other drogues the JSD reduces the speed of the yacht to ~ 2 kn.
In comparison to the Galerider the JSD has a decisive advantage: nobody has to stand at the helm.
The yacht is held with the rear against the oncoming seas.
According to reportsi n the interior of the yacht the rising and falling of the yacht feels "like bunjee jumping".
2) Prevention of Capsizing
When a yacht is catapulted by the breaker ahead in wave direction the JSD is lassoing her, straightening her and putting her
into the water again.
Maybe the process is a little bit comparable with the decelerating of a jet fighter when touching down on board of an aircraft carrier.
His fundamental considerations (shortened):
No design changes to the boat and no storm tactics on the part of the skipper can result in a significant reduction in risk.
- The drag device must be a drogue, i.e. the boat must be tethered from the stern. ...
- A sea anchor cannot be designed to protect the boat. When tethered from the bow,
The boat will yaw and develop unacceptable loads. ...
- The strength of the drogue and the number of drag elements must be adjusted to be compatible
with the displacement of the specific yacht.
- With a proper drogue, a yacht and crew can survive a storm of the severity of the Fastnet
or 1998 Sydney-Hobart storm with no serious storm damage or crew injuries.”
(; in: Technology)
The Coast Guard – Report (DG-D-20-87)
The report describes how the JSD works, comments the tests, includes tables about the loads,
the number of the necessary cones, size of the cables.
Furthermore it gives instructions how one could make the JSD himself.
The internet provides additional informations.
… capsized with JEANTEX III - maybe you remember - when beating to weather; the cause has been a wall of water of 17 m.
A similar fate was experienced by Mr. and Mrs. Wilts and their crew on FREYDIS.
These designs show the Winston with JSD:
A wave of 26.5 ft has a period of 7 sec. That means that a ship (as above in the trough) finds herself below the breaking crest
within 3 sec.
... if it is true, what Jordan affirms ...
"With a proper drogue, a yacht and crew can survive a storm of the severity of the Fastnet
or 1998 Sydney-Hobart storm with no serious storm damage or crew injuries."
… and if the crew would have deployed the JSD which is highly doubtful during a race.
Donald Jordan, "The Loss of the Winston Churchill" (
Realizing how much technical know-how there is in the analysis of the disaster and in the conceptual design of the JSD
Now (2015) first of all Dashew designs big motor cruising vessels.
Here are his comments referring the JSD:
"We can foresee two types of drogues being used.
In severe but not survival conditions we may want to deploy a simple drogue like the Gale Rider.
This will hold the stern more or less into the seas, and allow us to move forward at anywhere from four to eight knots,
with control of our direction still under the command of the autopilot or one of us.
The second situation could occur in survival weather – absolute horrendous conditions – with the boat disabled,
in which case our choice would be the Jordan Series Drogue."
Dashew equips his vessels with Galerider as well as with JSD. - Why not!
My conclusions relating the JSD
It is not necessary to steer the yacht by hand, when the JSD is deployed.
At the same time the position is kept, at least to some extend.
- opens up a viability to a yacht being in a dramatic situation with uncontrollable breaking seas.
To the full keel yacht as well.
- Indeed there are heavy loads, when a sea is breaking over the yacht`s stern.
With GRP-yachts maybe there are some reinforcements necessary to absorb the forces.
Further informations in:
Jordan Series Drogue - Upgrade of the Sailing Vessel (on this website).
- - - - -
Suppplement 5/2019
Susanne Huber-Curphey (Hobart, Tasmania)
... in interview after 251 days at sea singlehanded, after 33.043 nm without contact to land:
In case of the vulnerable rudder blade the flow of water permanently will come from the safe side because the boat always is moving forward.
It really is regrettable, that there is so little knowledge about the JSD in Europe. Definitely it saved my life more than once.”
“Emotiionally it was very charging to me when two participants of the Golden Globe Race in 2018 had been capsizing
(The whole interview in: segeln 5/2019; translated)
- - - - -
VII Stormtactics - Summary
1) Full keel yachts
Dashew prefers the fin keel yacht. His positive assessment of this type of yacht may be the result of it and it makes understandable his devaluation of the full keel yacht.
In the case of Helmut van Straelen it has been 12 Bft., maybe more.
Helmut estimates the height of the seas up to 10 – 12 m (in comparison to his mast of 19.80 m).
“When night began, when the gale augmented and the seas have been starting to break I believe
that it has been 1 – 2 m more.” (Translated)
(Draft of the "Skorpion" in: Appendices)
The problem results from the fact that it is not known whether it is possible to conclude from one full keel yacht to all types.
One should contact the designer, the dockyard, other sailors of long keel yachts, sailing associations ... in order to ask
The alternative is to approach the problem by trial.
Those who don`t want to take a risk will not heave to but will act like in 3) (look below).
Passage of a cold front
During the passage the direction of the wind changes; cross seas will develop.
When hove to the bow should bisect the old and the new wave direction.
Heave to on port tack !
But not from aside or from the back quarter. – This would be the case when the yacht would heave to on starboard tack.
Heave to on starboard tack !
2) Fin Keel Yachts (to be more precise: "well controllable yachts")
They don`t produce slick or too less. Therefore these yachts have to apply different techniques, beating e. g.
But in the end the yachts have to run. Then high and sustained concentration is required. That is why Dashew recommends for cruising sailors to heave to as long as possible with the view to the crew to rest and to draw strength.
The situation is exacerbated further during the passage of the cold front. The wind vane now is unable to cope with. Now at least you have to steer the fin keel yacht manually.
From a certain wave height respectively wind force the yacht starts surfing. I would trust Erdmann: a racing crew may handle speeds like that, but not cruising people.
It becomes imperative to reduce speed.
Galerider or JSD
… are now the means of choice to the current state of the art.
The JSD has the additional advantage that nobody has to steer the vessel.
- The JSD is a last option for all yachts.
3) Less Controllable Yachts
Yachts which cannot heave to and which are not excellent controllable have to reduce their speed if hull speed is exceeded.
If conditions become even worse only the JSD remains again.
The new option: the JSD
For all categories of ships the Don Jordan Series Drogue represents a new final weapon against the forces of nature.
That is implied by all younger authors if you leave aside their cautious vocabulary and take as valuation the sequence in which they describe.
- - - - -
VIII Injuries
Dr. Jens Kohfahl, physician, sailor, author ("Medizin auf See"):
On every boat one can improve a lot in seaworthy securing and stowing of moving parts. …
One needs not to be badly hurt, a broken hand will do and one is no longer fit for action.
Watchkeepers on deck have drowned because they couldn`t get rid of the lifebelt at the inflated life jacket and below the capsized ship
And there are many head injuries, also leading to death, which could have been avoided by wearing a protective helmet.
(in: TO 2008; translated)
IX My Roadmap
… I would maintain the course.
It is important not to sail beam-on to the seas.
I would switch to running or to beating.
Upwind course:
- Storm jib on the cutter stay, 3rd reef in the main,
- using the selfsteering as long as possible,
- somebody near the helm, who takes the wheel if necessary,
- maybe with additional support of the engine
- steering manually
- main with 3rd reef or stormjib only
- Bft 9
Upwind course
- main only, 3rd reef
- steering manually,
- with additional support of the engine,
… as long as the seas permit.
- under storm jib solely
- With fatigue or …
- in wind force of 10 Bft and more
… I would deploy the Jordan Drogue.
- retreat of the crew into the ship, close off the vessel, the crew buckling up, safety helmets
- reporting the position on VHF: "Restricted in manoeuvrability"
The sooner you deploy the JSD the better.
… my friend Klaus states.
- - - - -
1) Fastnet-Report 1979 (excerpts, shortened)
Mo, 13 of August
In the sea area “Fastnet” the wind has been blowing from the S with 30 – 40 kn in the afternoon.
During the passage of the front the direction of the wind changed to W while the wind force increased to 50 kn (Bft 10).
Tu, 14 of August, 0400
Culmination, wind force approx. Bft 11. The emerging wave system is superimposing the old swell.
Wave heigths: „If one accepts the validity of yacht reports of force 11 and over it might have approached 14 meters (46 ft).”
Altitude readings of heights are averages. The highest waves probably have been twice as high (20 m) with almost vertical walls
A disaster occured: 23 ships have been abandoned, 5 ships sunk.
It was not possible to draw conclusions concerning the efficiency of the different survival tactics which have been adopted.
This is shown in the following table:
Survival Tactics Adopted Number of Yachts Knockdown/Capsize
Heave to 26 3 (12 %)
Lie barepoles 86 18 (21 %)
Run off barepoles 57 12 (21 %)
Stream warps 46 10 (22 %)
„No magic formula for guaranteeing survival emerges from the experiences of those who were caught in the storm.“ (4.14, S. 36)
Four replies, which reveals how helpless one can be:
- "Two bad knockdowns while hove to.”
- „Rolled and dismasted by exceptional steep wave. The sea was very confused and the actual angle of approach of the wave
was impossible to judge.”
- “Lay a-hull for half an hour, then rolled over by a wave which would have capsized us whatever angle it had approached from.”
- "Ran directly before waves for several hours, but then rolled over when caught by a cross sea which appeared from nowhere."
(Fastnet Race Inquiry, 1979, pg. 36)
2) Persons
Olin Stephens
Besides Nathanael Herreshoff he is the most important American yacht designer of the last century,
Donald Jordan
… inventor of the JSD (Don-Jordan Series Drogue) and aeronautical engineer during the Second World War
Himself a sailor he has been shocked by the Fastnet disaster. He started reflecting how yachts could resist weather and sea conditions like that.
The US Coastguard made itself available to perform the practical tests.
Jordan`s new findings and his conclusions are to some extent in contrast to the axioms of famous sailors.
Donald Jordan died in 2008.
His texts are available on: and
There you can find the Coastguard-Report from the year 1987, too.
Steve Dashew
… is one of the outstanding yacht designers in America of today.
“Steve and Linda Dashew have been sailing together for 40+ years.
In the past 25 years, over fifty of their yachts (Deerfoot, Sundeer, Beowulf, and now the FPB series) have been launched.
They have cruised more than 250,000 miles.
I consider Steve & Linda Dashew`s "Surviving the Storm" (1999, 662 pages) the most important reference book concerning heavy weather sailing.
In "Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia" (41999, 1232 pages) Dashew deals profoundly with design and equipment of seegoing yachts.
Both books are available via
Wilfried Erdmann
"From 1984 to 1985 Erdmann sailed non-stop and alone around the world in West-East-direction … with KATHENA NUI,
In 2000 and 2001 he succeeded in a solo circumnavigation non-stop westbound, that means against the prevailing westerly winds.
There are drawings and pictures of KATHENA NUI in several books of Erdmann and on his homepage.
Helmut van Straelen
… took charge of the needs of the German circumnavigators for a long time as webmaster of Trans-Ocean (the German ocean cruising club).
During his way back from America to Europe while crossing the Gulf Stream he got into a hurricane with wind force Bft 12, perhaps more.
I verified Helmut van Straelen`s assertions.
The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) of America confirmed his statements by isobar charts,
records of the weather buoy 41001, reports of ships.
(Further details in "Verifikation" at the end of "Beidrehen? Im Orkan?", on this website)
… has been the long-standing partner of Wolfgang Quix, initially at JEANTEX III, later at WOLFIE´S TOY.
JEANTEX III has been an OPEN 40, LOA 12.19 m, B 3.0 m, displacement 4 t, draft 2.85 m, built by Wolfgang Quix himself
and friends according to the West-System in a Bavarian farmyard in 1984. (www.die-weingä
Barry Pickthall
... is a sailing journalist.
In "Blauwassersegeln manual" he is handing down his experiences of his "Challenge" - Regattas round the world.
“Our aim was to make available a well-researched book to those sailors who want to participate in an ocean-race
or want to go to sea.” (Translated)
The couple Erich and Dr. Heide Wilts (SY FREYDIS)
… is the most renowned long term sailing couple of Germany.
(Further details on and
In 2017 they succeeded in sailing through the Northwest Passage from W to E with changing crews.
Dr. Ing. Wolfgang Sichermann
Head of Research and Development - Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Patrice Geffroy
French author, composer and sailor maintaining a website which receives high attention in France:
He gave me a lot of hints concerning the actual cruising scene and links to blogs of other sailers.
Pattrice Geffroy has been translating "Stormtactics for Sailing Yachts" into French.
"Quelles solutions pour affronter la tempête?" is available on his website.
Susanne Huber-Curphey
German single-handed and extreme sailor:
- Northwest Passage 2017 as the first woman; from W to E.
- Long Route 2018/19 (non-stop round-the-world race, single-handed); 251 days, 33.043 nm
3) Interviews
... with Helmut van Straelen and Herbert Weingärnter, in 2014.
I am friend of both; hence the informal way.
4) Elevations of long keel yachts
4.1 Construction drawings of SKORPION II
The plan of Skorpion III corresponds to that of the Skorpion II.
The dimensions: 13.85 m x 4.00 m, displacement: 14 t
4.2 Elevation of Amphitrite 43 (13,03 m)
LOA 14 m, LOD 12.396, LWL 10.250, BEAM 3.760, DRAFT 1.620, Disp. 15 t, Ballast 4000 kg
(Specifications according to Moitessier, Kap Horn der logische Weg)
- - - - -
Bibliography (in chronological order)
Vito Dumas, "Auf unmöglichem Kurs", 1978, Delius und Klasing
Bernard Moitessier, "Kap Horn – Der logische Weg", 31978, Delius und Klasing;
"Weite Meere, Inseln und Lagunen - Erfahrungen eines Blauwasserseglers", 1998, Delius Klasing
“1979 Fastnet Race Inquiry”
Bobby Schenk, "Blauwassersegeln", 21984, Delius Klasing
C. A. Marchaj, "Seetüchtigkeit – der vergessene Faktor", Delius Klasing, 1986
Technical Committee of the Cruising Club of America,
"Offshore Yachts", 1987, hg. John Rousmaniere; ISBN 0-393-03311-2
Alain Grée, "Sturm – Taktik und Manöver“, 1988, Delius Klasing
"Coast Guard Report 1989"; www.jordanseriesdroguecoastguardreport.pdf
Lin and Larry Pardey, "Storm Tactics", 1995
Heide Wilts, "Auf der Route der Albatrosse", 1996, Delius Klasing
Donald Jordan, Texts:; (Jahr?)
Steve & Linda Dashew, "Surviving the Storm", 1999, ISBN 0-96580-9-2;
"Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia", 31999; both books:
Earl R. Hinz, "Heavy Weather Tactics – Using Sea Anchors & Drogues", 2003, California
Wilfried Erdmann, "Segeln mit Wilfried Erdmann", Hamburg, 52004;
Barry Pickthall, "Blauwassersegeln manual", 2007, Pietsch-Verlag, 2006
Helmut van Straelen, "Beidrehen im Orkan?", in: Trans-Ocean, 10/2007;
Peter Bruce, "Heavy Weather Sailing", 62008, ISBN 978-0-07-159290-1
Andrew Claughton, "The stability of yachts in large breaking waves", in: Peter Bruce, "Heavy Weather Sailing"
Dr. Jens Kohfahl, "Schwerwettersegeln – Sturmtaktiken", Trans-Ocean, Juli 2008
Hal Roth, "Handling Storms at Sea", 2009, ISBN 978-1 4081-1348-6;
Dr. Hans Lampalzer, "Jordan-Series-Drogue ... eine Recherche", in: Trans-Ocean, 2010;
"Brecher & Yacht", 2016; both texts on this website:
Dr. Lampalzer, Apr. 2019